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Second City-Industry-Summit, Leipzig (DE), 22 October 2012

The 2nd TROLLEY city-industry-summit entitled "New Trolleybus Designs & Innovative Trolleybus Marketing" took place on 22 October 2012 in Leipzig in the framework of the new mobility fair 2012.The topics of the presentations ranged from the importance of new bus designs for trolleybus promotion to the potential of social media applications for trolleybus marketing and the relevance of strategic marketing and communication activities for the introduction of new trolleybus systems, using the example of the City of Leeds in the UK. Please, find the presentations as pdf downloads below.

  • Trolleybuses from the customer’s point of view, Alexandra Weiß, Salzburg AG (AT) pdf download
  • A bus for the future!, Paul Jenné, Van Hool NV (BE) pdf download
  • Innovative trolleybus marketing – best practice examples, Marcin Wolek, University of Gdansk (PL) pdf download
  • Social media & Web 2.0 – chances for trolleybus promotion? Wolfgang Backhaus, Rupprecht Consult GmbH (DE), pdf download
  • New generation transport – How to promote the introduction of a trolleybus system?, Dave Haskins, West Yorkshire PTE, Leeds (UK) pdf download
Paul Jenné, Van Hool (on the left), and moderator Arnulf Schuchmann, trolley:motion.

First City-Industry-Summit, Parma (IT), October 2010

Agenda pdf download

Introduction TROLLEY – Optimised energy use for trolleybus systems , Gunter Mackinger, Salzburg AG (AT) pdf download

The trolleybus system in Italy, Nadia Amitrano, ASSTRA (IT) pdf download

Evaluation of public transport fleet in Parma, Luigi Bianco, EQC (IT) pdf download

ATM Milan trolleybuses - main features and experiences, Francesco DE Gennaro, ATM Milan (IT) pdf download

Energy savings in trolleybuses, Maurizio Bottari, Vossloh Kiepe Srl. (IT) pdf download

Combined storage system of BoostCap & lithium-ceramic-cells, Andreas Radam & Bernhard Mägdefrau, Railway Service GmbH (DE) pdf download

Acceleration of trolleybus operation by means of VETRA system, Jiri Schäferling, Elektroline a.s. (CZ)

